Did you know you can pay for certain commute costs with pre-tax (Internal Revenue Code Section 132 (F), as amended by TEA-21, Title IX, Section 91) dollars and reap the benefits every day? As of January 1, 2016 under Section 132(F) of federal tax code, an employer can offer its employees up to $255 per month for transit or vanpool costs, and up to $255 in qualified parking costs, and up to $20 for bicycling costs.
Here’s how to take advantage of the benefit:
With Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits
Your Employees will:
Your Company will:
STA’s Solano Mobility staff is working with several employers located in the Solano Business Park (adjacent to SR 12) to assist in providing first and last mile service for their employees that use the Capitol Corridor via the Suisun-Fairfield Amtrak Station. Solano Mobility staff conducted a survey of employees of Solano County and Jelly Belly.
Survey results showed a need and desire for a connecting route as well as transportation alternatives to driving alone to work. The STA Board authorized the development of a first and last mile pilot between the Suisun-Fairfield Amtrak Station and up to a half-dozen interested employers located adjacent to the Solano Business Park. The First/Last Mile Pilot launched on May 1, 2017. STA will assess the effectiveness of this first and last mile service to determine if it has broader application to other locations in Solano County. For more information call the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883.